禱告是基督徒的基本權利Prayer Being a Basic Christian Right

【聖經經節Bible Verses】


Matt 7:7 Ask and it shall be given to you; seek and you shall find; knock and it shall be opened to you. (8) For every one who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it shall be opened.
James 4:2 ...You do not have because you do not ask.

【職事的話Words of Ministry】


After a brother was saved, he prayed every day. One day a sister asked him, “Has God ever listened to your prayer?” He was surprised. He began to consider how many of his prayers were answered. He discovered that his prayers were quite vague and capricious. It did not matter whether God answered them, and it did not matter whether God ignored them. They were like prayers to God for the sun to rise the next day; the sun would rise whether or not he prayed. He could not pinpoint what he had asked for. This amounted to not having asked for anything at all.


God wants to know what you specifically want and what you specifically are asking for. Only then can He give it to you. Hence, to ask means to demand something specific. We have to ask. This is what it means to seek and to knock. If you go to a pharmacy for medicine, you must say exactly what medicine you want. This is why the Lord says that we need to ask and ask specifically. The problem with us is that we do not ask.


You must learn to be specific with your prayer. You should know when God has answered your prayers and when He has not answered your prayers. If prayers are empty when needs are specific, one cannot expect any solution for the problem. Only specific prayers can deal with specific problems.

Extracted from Watchman Nee "Messages for Building Up New Believers", published by Living Stream Ministry.


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